ATMEGA 128, 2561 Graphic LCD Library V.1.0
1st v.1.0 : 2011년 9월 23일
제작자 : (주)이지플로우
// 완성형을 조합형으로 변환후 표시할 경우 사용
#define MYEONGJO
// Graphic LCD 포트를 정의합니다.
// Graphic LCD Module : YHG12864HG,128x64 dot,LED backlight
#define GLCD_CONTROL_BIT ( (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3)|(1<<4) )
#define GLCD_RW_1 SETBIT (PORTC, 1)
#define GLCD_E_1 SETBIT (PORTC, 0)
#define GLCD_RS_1 SETBIT (PORTC, 2)
#define GLCD_CS1_1 SETBIT (PORTC, 3)
#define GLCD_CS2_1 SETBIT (PORTC, 4)
unsigned char ScreenBuffer[8][128]; // screen buffer
#include "HanFont.h"
unsigned char xcharacter, ycharacter; // x character(0-3), y character(0-15)
unsigned char cursor_flag, xcursor, ycursor; // x and y cursor position(0-3, 0-15)
// write a command
// LCD Module 에 명령을 저장합니다.
void GLCD_Command(unsigned char signal,unsigned char command)
if ( signal & 0x40 ) GLCD_CS1_0;
else GLCD_CS1_1;
if ( signal & 0x80 ) GLCD_CS2_0;
else GLCD_CS2_1;
GLCD_RS_0; // Rs = 0
GLCD_E_0; // E = 0
GLCD_RW_0; // RW = 0;
GLCD_DATA_DIR = 0xFF; // LCD Data output
GLCD_DATA = command; // Output Data
GLCD_E_1; // E = 1
Delay_us(1); // 1us Delay
GLCD_E_0; // E = 0
GLCD_CS2_1; // clear all control signals
Delay_us(10); // wait for GLCD busy
// write a data
// LCD Module 에 데이터를 저장합니다.
void GLCD_Data(unsigned char signal,unsigned char data)
if ( signal & 0x40 ) GLCD_CS1_0;
else GLCD_CS1_1;
if ( signal & 0x80 ) GLCD_CS2_0;
else GLCD_CS2_1;
GLCD_RS_1; // Rs = 1
GLCD_E_0; // E = 0
GLCD_RW_0; // RW = 0;
GLCD_DATA_DIR = 0xFF; // LCD Data output
GLCD_DATA = data; // Output data
GLCD_E_1; // E = 1
Delay_us(1); // 1us Delay
GLCD_E_0; // E = 0
GLCD_CS1_1; // clear all control signals
Delay_us(10); // wait GLCD busy
// clear GLCD screen
// LCD Module 화면을 지웁니다.
void GLCD_clear(void)
unsigned char i, j, x;
//LCD_CONTROL = 0x00; // clear all control signals
GLCD_Command(0xC0,0x3F); // CS1,CS2 display ON
GLCD_Command(0xC0,0xC0); // CS1,CS2 display position
x = 0xB8;
for(i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
GLCD_Command(0xC0,x); // X start addtess
GLCD_Command(0xC0,0x40); // Y start address
for(j = 0; j <= 63; j++)
GLCD_Data(0xC0,0x00); // clear CS1 and CS2 screen
// Ram Buffer를 지웁니다.
for(i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
for(j = 0; j <= 127; j++)
// set English character position
// 영문 글자 위치를 설정합니다.
void GLCD_xy(unsigned char x,unsigned char y)
xcharacter = x; // x = 0 - 3
ycharacter = y; // y = 0 - 15
// set character upper/lower row
// 글자 위치를 위로 또는 아래로 설정합니다.
void GLCD_xy_row(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,unsigned char row)
// if upper row, set Y address, else if lower row, set Y address + 1
if(row == 0) { GLCD_Command(0xC0,0xB8 + x*2); }
else { GLCD_Command(0xC0,0xB8 + x*2 + 1); }
// if y <= 7, CS1 Y address, else if y >= 8, CS2 Y address
if(y <= 7) { GLCD_Command(0x40,0x40 + y*8); }
else { GLCD_Command(0x80,0x40 + (y-8)*8); }
// display a 8x16 Dot English(ASCII)
// 8*16 영문글자(ASCII)를 표시합니다.
void GLCD_English(unsigned char Ecode)
unsigned char i, signal;
// display upper row
// if y <= 7, CS1, else if y >= 8, CS2
if(ycharacter <= 7) { signal = 0x40; }
else { signal = 0x80; }
for(i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
GLCD_Data(signal,E_font[Ecode][i] );
// display lower row
// if y <= 7, CS1, else if y >= 8, CS2
if(ycharacter <= 7) { signal = 0x40; }
else { signal = 0x80; }
for(i = 8; i <= 15; i++)
if((cursor_flag == 1) && (xcharacter == xcursor) && (ycharacter == ycursor))
GLCD_Data(signal, E_font[Ecode][i] | 0x80 );
GLCD_Data(signal, E_font[Ecode][i]);
// go next character position
if(ycharacter == 16)
ycharacter = 0;
// display a 16x16 Dot Korean
// 16*16 한글을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_Korean(unsigned int Kcode)
unsigned char i, signal;
unsigned char cho_5bit, joong_5bit, jong_5bit;
unsigned char cho_bul, joong_bul, jong_bul=0, jong_flag;
unsigned int character;
unsigned char Korean_buffer[32]; // 32 byte Korean font buffer
// if can not display, go next line
if(ycharacter == 15)
// get cho, joong, jong 5 bit
cho_5bit = table_cho[(Kcode >> 10) & 0x001F];
joong_5bit = table_joong[(Kcode >> 5) & 0x001F];
jong_5bit = table_jong[Kcode & 0x001F];
// don't have jongsung
if(jong_5bit == 0)
jong_flag = 0;
cho_bul = bul_cho1[joong_5bit];
if((cho_5bit == 1) || (cho_5bit == 16)) { joong_bul = 0; }
else { joong_bul = 1; }
// have jongsung
jong_flag = 1;
cho_bul = bul_cho2[joong_5bit];
if((cho_5bit == 1) || (cho_5bit == 16)) { joong_bul = 2; }
else { joong_bul = 3; }
jong_bul = bul_jong[joong_5bit];
// copy chosung font
character = cho_bul*20 + cho_5bit;
for(i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
{ Korean_buffer[i] = K_font[character][i]; }
// OR joongsung font
character = 8*20 + joong_bul*22 + joong_5bit;
for(i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
{ Korean_buffer[i] |= K_font[character][i]; }
// if jongsung, OR jongsung font
if(jong_flag == 1)
character = 8*20 + 4*22 +jong_bul*28 + jong_5bit;
for(i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
{ Korean_buffer[i] |= K_font[character][i]; }
GLCD_xy_row(xcharacter,ycharacter,0); // display upper left row
// if y <= 7, CS1, else if y >= 8, CS2
if(ycharacter <= 7) { signal = 0x40; }
else { signal = 0x80; }
for(i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
{ GLCD_Data(signal,Korean_buffer[i]); }
GLCD_xy_row(xcharacter,ycharacter,1); // display lower left row
// if y <= 7, CS1, else if y >= 8, CS2
if(ycharacter <= 7) { signal = 0x40; }
else { signal = 0x80; }
for(i = 16; i <= 23; i++)
if((cursor_flag == 1) && (xcharacter == xcursor) && (ycharacter == ycursor))
{ GLCD_Data(signal,Korean_buffer[i] | 0x80); }
{ GLCD_Data(signal,Korean_buffer[i]); }
GLCD_xy_row(xcharacter,ycharacter,0); // display upper right row
// if y <= 7, CS1, else if y >= 8, CS2
if(ycharacter <= 7) { signal = 0x40; }
else { signal = 0x80; }
for(i = 8; i <= 15; i++)
{ GLCD_Data(signal,Korean_buffer[i]); }
GLCD_xy_row(xcharacter,ycharacter,1); // display lower right row
// if y <= 7, CS1, else if y >= 8, CS2
if(ycharacter <= 7) { signal = 0x40; }
else { signal = 0x80; }
for(i = 24; i <= 31; i++)
if((cursor_flag == 1) && (xcharacter == xcursor) && (ycharacter == (ycursor+1)))
{ GLCD_Data(signal,Korean_buffer[i] | 0x80); }
{ GLCD_Data(signal,Korean_buffer[i]); }
ycharacter++; // go next character position
if(ycharacter == 16)
ycharacter = 0;
// display a string
// 문자열을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_string(unsigned char x,unsigned char y,unsigned char *string)
unsigned char character1;
unsigned int character2;
GLCD_xy(x,y); // x = 0 - 3, y = 0 - 15
while(*string != '\0')
character1 = *string;
if(character1 < 0x80)
GLCD_English(character1); // display English character
character2 = 256*character1 + (*string & 0xFF);
// 조합형 코드를 표시할때
// GLCD_Korean(character2); // display Korean character
// 완성형을 조합형으로 변환한 후 표시할때
GLCD_Korean( HangulCodeConvert(1, character2 ) ); // display Korean character
// 조합형을 완성형으로 변환한 후 표시할때
//GLCD_Korean( HangulCodeConvert(0, character2 ) ); // display Korean character
// Get XY Dot address
// 점을 주소를 가져옵니다.
void GLCD_Axis_xy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
GLCD_Command(0xC0, 0xB8 + x); // X address
if(y <= 63)
GLCD_Command(0x40, 0x40 + y); // CS1 Y address
GLCD_Command(0x80, 0x40 + y - 64); // CS2 Y address
// draw a dot on GLCD
// 점을 그립니다.
void GLCD_Dot(unsigned char xx,unsigned char y)
unsigned char x, i;
// 해상도 범위(128.64) 인지 검사합니다.
if((xx > 63) || (y > 127)) return;
x = xx / 8; // calculate x address
i = xx % 8;
if(i == 0) { i = 0x01; }
else if(i == 1) { i = 0x02; }
else if(i == 2) { i = 0x04; }
else if(i == 3) { i = 0x08; }
else if(i == 4) { i = 0x10; }
else if(i == 5) { i = 0x20; }
else if(i == 6) { i = 0x40; }
else { i = 0x80; }
ScreenBuffer[x][y] |= i; // OR old data with new data
GLCD_Axis_xy(x, y); // draw dot on GLCD screen
if(y <= 63) { GLCD_Data(0x40, ScreenBuffer[x][y]); }
else { GLCD_Data(0x80, ScreenBuffer[x][y]); }
// draw a straight line
// 직선을 그립니다.
void GLCD_Line(unsigned char x1,unsigned char y1,unsigned char x2,unsigned char y2)
int x, y;
if(y1 != y2) // if y1 != y2, y is variable
if(y1 < y2) // x is function
for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
x = x1 + (y - y1)*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1);
for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--)
x = x1 + (y - y1)*(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1);
else if(x1 != x2) // if x1 != x2, x is variable
if(x1 < x2) // y is function
for(x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
{ y = y1 + (x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1);
for(x = x1; x >= x2; x--)
y = y1 + (x - x1)*(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1);
else // if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2,
GLCD_Dot(x1,y1); // it is a dot
// draw a rectangle
// 직사각형을 그립니다.
void GLCD_Rectangle(unsigned char x1,unsigned char y1,unsigned char x2,unsigned char y2)
GLCD_Line(x1,y1,x1,y2); // horizontal line
GLCD_Line(x1,y1,x2,y1); // vertical line
// draw a circle
// 원을 그립니다.
void GLCD_Circle(unsigned char x1,unsigned char y1,unsigned char r)
int x, y;
float s;
for(y = y1 - r*3/4; y <= y1 + r*3/4; y++) // draw with y variable
s = sqrt(r*r - (y-y1)*(y-y1)) + 0.5;
x = x1 + (unsigned char)s;
x = x1 - (unsigned char)s;
for(x = x1 - r*3/4; x <= x1 + r*3/4; x++) // draw with x variable
s = sqrt(r*r - (x-x1)*(x-x1)) + 0.5;
y = y1 + (unsigned char)s;
y = y1 - (unsigned char)s;
// Display floating-point number xx.x
// 00.0로 소수점을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_2Dot1Float(float number)
unsigned int i, j;
j = (int)(number*10. + 0.5);
i = j / 100; // 10^1
if(i == 0) { GLCD_English(' '); }
else { GLCD_English(i + '0'); }
j = j % 100; // 10^0
i = j / 10;
GLCD_English(i + '0');
i = j % 10; // 10^-1
GLCD_English(i + '0');
// display 1-digit decimal number
// 1자리의 10진수 값을 표시합니다.
unsigned char GLCD_1DigitDecimal(unsigned char number, unsigned char flag)
number %= 10; // 10^0
if ((number == 0) && (flag == 0))
GLCD_English(' ');
return 0;
GLCD_English(number + '0');
return 1;
// display 2-digit decimal number
// 2자리의 10진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_2DigitDecimal(unsigned char number)
unsigned int i;
unsigned char flag;
flag = 0;
number = number % 100;
i = number/10;
flag = GLCD_1DigitDecimal(i, flag); // 10^1
i = number % 10;
GLCD_English(i + '0'); // 10^0
// display 3-digit decimal number
// 3자리의 10진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_3DigitDecimal(unsigned int number)
unsigned int i;
unsigned char flag;
flag = 0;
number = number % 1000;
i = number/100;
flag = GLCD_1DigitDecimal(i, flag); // 10^2
number = number % 100;
i = number/10;
flag = GLCD_1DigitDecimal(i, flag); // 10^1
i = number % 10;
GLCD_English(i + '0'); // 10^0
// display 4-digit decimal number
// 4자리의 10진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_4DigitDecimal(unsigned int number)
unsigned int i;
unsigned char flag;
flag = 0;
number = number % 10000;
i = number/1000;
flag = GLCD_1DigitDecimal(i, flag); // 10^3
number = number % 1000;
i = number/100;
flag = GLCD_1DigitDecimal(i, flag); // 10^2
number = number % 100;
i = number/10;
flag = GLCD_1DigitDecimal(i, flag); // 10^1
i = number % 10;
GLCD_English(i + '0'); // 10^0
// display 1-digit hex number
// 1자리의 16진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_1DigitHex(unsigned char i)
i &= 0x0F; // 16^0
if(i <= 9) { GLCD_English(i + '0'); }
else { GLCD_English(i - 10 + 'A'); }
// display 2-digit hex number
// 2자리의 16진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_2DigitHex(unsigned char number)
GLCD_1DigitHex(number >> 4); // 16^1
GLCD_1DigitHex(number ); // 16^0
// display 4-digit hex number
// 4자리의 16진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_4DigitHex(unsigned int number)
GLCD_1DigitHex(number >> 12); // 16^3
GLCD_1DigitHex(number >> 8 ); // 16^2
GLCD_1DigitHex(number >> 4 ); // 16^1
GLCD_1DigitHex(number ); // 16^0
// display 8-bit binary number
// 8자리의 2진수 값을 표시합니다.
void GLCD_8BitBinary(unsigned char number)
GLCD_English(((number >> 7) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^7
GLCD_English(((number >> 6) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^6
GLCD_English(((number >> 5) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^5
GLCD_English(((number >> 4) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^4
GLCD_English(((number >> 3) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^3
GLCD_English(((number >> 2) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^2
GLCD_English(((number >> 1) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^1
GLCD_English(((number ) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^0